♥Would you listen if I told you?

I try to find clarity in this constantly changing world.

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Friday, July 29, 2011, 3:26 AM
a brief apology

And I'm sorry for the very moany whiny song on my blog... but it just suits my mood right now... I dont know why. =)

anyway you can just press the forward button so it'll skip to the next song...

3:22 AM
A dream

Listening to this song.. brings images to my head...
And because I dont understand the lyrics..they are happy images.

I see myself, walking down a tree-lined path on a cold fall evening.
I see moonlight, filtering through the branches, a golden covering.
I see shadows, not cold and dangerous, but warm and enticing.
I see words, I see peace, I see happiness, I see .....

I see a place I want to be.

3:14 AM

I was updating my ipod [again].. when I found this song... and it brought back a crapload of memories from the States... Made me miss the friends I made there. :'(

Sure I know this song is kinda....iffy... and not a 'prime' specimen of music... [which explains why i got sick of it and stopped listening to it like 2 years ago haha] but the memories it brings back are priceless.

Even tho I was only there for one year.. I'll always remember SAU with love.... and some hate.. but mostly love. =D

Saturday, July 23, 2011, 2:06 AM
The last week in a nutshell

Just did my nails and I feel all bimbotic and girly and happy.
Gold shimmer on my toes and silver glittered tips on my fingers.


Waiting for my USB cable so I can upload some pics onto this poor ol' bloggie.

This week, school's started..
Marketing, Tax, and Business Capstone.

Marketing's greatest challenge is just going to be the report. Tax is going to be something like Principles of Accounts, except i'll have to do it in 3 months instead of 2 years. Aight. Can do. Business Capstone is the unknown variable. It's crappy as hell and I wish one of my friends were still around to take it with me :"(

Oh well.

Oh. and three tuition sessions to add to my classes... hope the lovelies do well. *crossed fingers*

I've been facinated with vampirish stuff lately.

Just did my nails and I feel all bimbotic and girly and happy.
Gold shimmer on my toes and silver glittered tips on my fingers.

ooooh and i'm waiting for my USB cable so I can upload more pics onto this poor ol' bloggie. Till then, bear with me =D

This week, school's started..

Marketing, Tax, and Business Capstone.
Marketing's greatest challenge is just going to be the report. Tax is going to be something like Principles of Accounts, except i'll have to do it in 3 months instead of 2 years. Aight. Can do. Business Capstone is the unknown variable. It's crappy as hell and I wish one of my friends were still around to take it with me :"(
Oh well.
Oh. and three tuition sessions to add to my classes... hope the lovelies do well. *crossed fingers*

Saturday afternoon brought a super entertaining trip to the railroad at Bukit Timah [?] with LYT. She took a ton of pics and I now have a ton of pics... Guess it was just my week to have pics taken of me. xP Hehee. I'm not complaining. *super thick skinned*

But I'm in L-O-V-E with the quality of the pictures this time round!! I mean seriously! It's as if her camera just woke up that morning and DECIDED to be awesome. Hahaha.

Met Tatcha on Sunday MORNING for a photoshoot with her boss *awkward* It turned out really fun though!!! The weather was awfully cooperative, and the company was great [Duh!], and our photographer was excellent. My favorite was when we posed in the fountain! I felt such GLEEEE as the cold water splashed all over me. Heehee. Sadly, I don't get to keep all the pictures. Shall see what Uncle has given. hahahaha. =_=''' Was exhausted from the standing and jumping in water and soggy clothes+underwear so I kinda zoned out during lunch. =( But it was a halfday well spent. :))

OH AND I HAD A MCFLURRY BOTH ON SAT AND SUN. Apparently taking pictures makes me crave McFlurry. Huh. How about that.

Met Ducker's on Tuesday... had froyo [I'm stil craving it though] and subway for dinner... lots of crappiness and laughter.. good times good times *nods head sagely like some wise guy*

Met Panda on Thursday.. the 21st again! Hehe. Had lunch then signed up for his new phone. Like FINALLY. Grah. So now he's connected to *dramatic pause* The World. x)

And yes I've been having some pretty awesome conversations this week. My brain feels alive again. :)

This weekend is going to be pretty jazzy too! Church tomorrow with LYT, home, then meeting Duckers and Breadpuddin for dinner and Bridesmaids. Chickflick FTW! hahahahha. jk!  Note to self, I want to get KOI on the way home. OWWWW FML I JUST SPRAINED MY HAND TYPING. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE I ASK YOU?! Anyway! Tuition on Sunday after lunch with grams, gramps and dadd. And then my week starts again. Ladidaa~~

I'm on day three of my attempted 2 week ab growing program.
If I get toned enough, I'll let myself off the hook for losing 3 kilos. I'll just lose 2 instead. HAHAH.

I am going to turn into a Feeumbian if I dont do 80 crunches and hit the sheets before 2am.. So i'm gonna skedaddle and I PROMISE to update more. Promise. I just wish Blogger would create an app for blackberry. Tsk.

Nights, World.

Monday, July 18, 2011, 10:38 PM




OWWWW my head hurts from too much chocolaty goodness.

let me explain this.
take milo.
add ice.
pour into giant mug.
top off with an inch of milo powder.
insert spoon.
scoop, lick, and repeat.

If i were a cartoon you'd have to draw me with big googly starfilled eyes.


Saturday, July 16, 2011, 1:05 AM
Frustrating day.

THIS is how I feel today.

But thank you kind humans who've helped me ease some of that frustration.

Now everything feels a lil bit better.

This picture also cheered me up a touch. hahahahha!!

Friday, July 08, 2011, 12:50 AM
That's funny...cuz i've always wanted a horse as a pet.

You Are Like a Horse

You are strong, steady, and devoted. You are a good partner.

You are gentle and sensitive. You can be easily frightened.

You are usually quite stable, but you do have a wild streak that comes out from time to time.

You are cooperative and not a solitary creature. You like to be around others.
What Pet Are You Like?
Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding

12:49 AM
AAAAAAH I eat like a man?!

You Eat Like a Typical Man

You prefer food that's hearty, traditional, and filling. You don't like to mess around when it comes to your meals.

You believe the plate should be focused on meat, and you really can't get enough of the stuff.

You like a meal that's big and satisfying. Nothing bums you out more than small portions.

You aren't huge on snacking, so each meal needs to hold you over until the next.
Do You Eat Like a Man or a Woman?
Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity

12:46 AM

You Are Optimistic and Hopeful

You truly believe in all of your dreams. And you don't just sit back and wait for your dreams to happen.

You are active and even a bit stubborn. You are confident in what you do.

You can be a bit aggressive at times, to the point of being inconsiderate. But you never really mean to step on anyone's toes.

It's just that when your eye is on the prize, it's hard for you to see anything or anyone else. You're not malicious... just a tad careless.
The Mustache Test
Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

12:42 AM
Poor polar bear


This game nearly gave me a heart attack...
I"m soooooo uncoordinated. =_='''

Thursday, July 07, 2011, 1:58 AM
Transformers 3 and other things.

Grades came out today!


Derivative Securities was a really close one, cause I'd failed the midterm.. but ouuuu yeahh I passed! =)
The other two subjects were like Distinction soooo ... I guess i'm satisfied. For now.

NEXT semester, my last semester, I'm going to try HARDER.

About today.... I really used practically every waking minute to the fullest.
Started off at 2 for tuition.... then dropped by TPY to get my contact lenses and return a severely overdue book... met Tatcha at Sing Post at & plus for a quick dinner at pastamania and Macs for dessert... raced to Woodlands and almost got a heartattack cuz my phone died and I didn't know where Dev was.... luckily that girl is so frickin smart so when I went up the lift, she was right there. AHHHH I was so relieved I could have kissed her. LMAO. jk.

Watched Transformers 3. Yes I Did. Didn't want to at first, cuz I'd heard a bad review... but well I wanted to watch a movie and figured I shud at least try it out?

Let's see...
I didn't see Transformers 1 and 2, so I can't compare, and maybe that's why I was slightly awedddd by the insane graphics... I mean, Hollywood never fails to make unreal things look 110% real. That's amazing. So yeah. The graphics were good.... kinda on the scale of Inception...just that Inception had more 'scenes' and 'atmospheres'... Transformers 3 was mainly Chicago city. Dev said something about like why didn't they take over China or India...wayy more people to work in whatever factory thingy they wanted hahahahha!

One thing I did love? The soundtrack. It was in this big theatre, so like the sound system really did it's job... loved the orchestra and the different instruments... yeah. Definately. It was so good I'd actually consider buying the soundtrack if they'd sell it.

What I didn't really like was the story line.... the ending was really too sudden... and like the major 'game changing' moments just flew by too quickly. I was thinking about it and maybe that's what the writers were trying to do, make the big stuff seem like little stuff, or at least not give it too much of a climax, so the audience would focus more on the overall plot? IDK. Just.... it threw me off a little.

Other things I found weird....

1) WHY WAS THE GIRL WEARING HEELS THRU THE WHOLE THING?! I mean, you're falling down the SIDE of a skyscraper, right. And big weird things are trying to make you explode, literally. And you're running around and OVER rubble and whatnots and human SKULLS... yet you just don't take your heels off.  Look I myself love heels, I can run in them if need be, but face it. Heels hold you back!! IDK this just reallllly bugged me.  hahahaha!!

2) I didn't really like Witwiticky or whatever the crap his name was. He had too much spit and sweat all over his face and it kinda made me wanna puke. No i'm serious. It wasn't like sexy sweat.. it was like ewwwwww quick take a shower kinda sweat+saliva. Just not a fan. Epps though? OOOOOOH that dude.. heh heh.

3) I Loveddddd the two baby robots. They were sooooo adorable. But why'd they have to die? =( Or did they survive? I kinda missed that part. Hmmm. Someone tell me?

That's just me. Everyone will prolly have a different opinion =D IMO though it lost to Inception [duhhh] but it beat practically ANYYYY romantic movie that has come out this year [again, duhhh]... Other than that I can't say cuz I practically never watch movies. OH. And I enjoyed Pirates 4 better though...maybe cuz JOHNNY DEPP is awesome shizzang. Heh heh. So yup.

OH... and in the movie, the part where Mc Dreamy [Or is it Mc Steamy??? from Grey's Anatomy, I never learned his real name] got hit by Sam and fell against the Pillar thingamajig? omg I LAUGHED SO LOUD and no one in the theatre laughed.... yknow, one of those OOPS WAS THAT ME moments... But SERIOUSLY GUYS,.... wasn't it like a teensy bit funny that he got electrocuted?! I think it was more the expression on his face and the sudden-ness of it that cracked me up though. ^.^

OKAY. I"m all typed out...needa sleep. Gonna chill with YY tomorrah for Kbox... =)

Sunday, July 03, 2011, 2:14 AM

Is it my imagination, or do you care less now than you did before?

I still feel equally horrible when we fight, I get over it faster than before even..

But you..
get stronger and colder each time and I dont want to be the stupid girl that stays where she isn't needed.

Sure, when all is fine and happy you make me feel loved. Yet when we fight, when things get rough...you just walk away.

It's almost like you dont care anymore?


Friday, July 01, 2011, 10:20 PM
le poop

Today, a short day, has been easily the most fucked up day of the week.

My phone refused to work, and finally ran out of battery just as I was rushing to meet mom. So I decided to go home instead.

When I called mom to tell her my phone was dead and I wouldn't be going, she told me, oh joy, some crap about some crap which I can't write here but TRUST ME the news sucked big time.

So my mood is deteriorating, right. And then I realize I haven't bought wrapping paper for my lil sis' birthdays... so now i have to use some dumb pink paper that I never really liked.

Anyway! I then decide to go online and check my final semester's timetable ...cuz IT just came out today.. and I only have 3 modules left to go before I graduate. [assuming i've passed the rest]... AND one module that i HAVE TO TAKE has only one class, and that class is on Friday nights. I KNOW RIGHT. So dad says to go down and take it up with them... and just hope for the best I guess?

Shortly after, i'm cruising around facebook right... and then I see something that ticked me off really bad.
Let me put it this way...
You're Asian, dont act all Westernized and get all touchy touchy with my dad and my boy.
You know why you're not Westernized? BECAUSE YOU ARE AND FOREVER WILL BE MC. You know what's MC?! glupyĭ kitaĭskiĭ shlyuha suka!

I used to try and just not get bothered by it... cuz well, no girl like me would feel threatened by a girl like you.  We're just too different. But now it's not about whether I'm threatened or not, it's about damn BOUNDARIES.

Sh*t just got personal.

And oh yea, the replacement I'm training for my old job is SO simplistic and mentally challenged I have to seriously wonder why the bossman hired her. And i get calls at all hours asking me about variations of the SAME damn question. gaaaaaaaaaaah. If you have horrible memory, at least write down the stuff I tell you, RIGHT?!

ANYWAY. I could go on.... but I shall just shut up before I get into trouble for being mad.